What is colostrum? Colostrum is the milky liquid produced by the mammals like humans, cows, elephants and dolphins etc during the first few days of postpartum. It is said that the colostrum contains high nutrient content and also contains high content of antibodies which may help them to fight against various bacteria or infections. It…

What is Colostrum powder and Why should people take Bovine Colostrum?
Have you heard about this supplement – the colostrum powder? Some may be wondering if you also get colostrum powders in the market. If you have not heard about the colostrum powder, let us have a look at it! Before we jump into colostrum powder, lets know what is a colostrum? What is colostrum? Colostrum…

Colostrum powder effectiveness
What is colostrum? Colostrum is the milky liquid produced by the mammals like humans, cows, elephants and dolphins etc during the first few days of postpartum. It is said that the colostrum contains high nutrient content and also contains high content of antibodies which may help them to fight against various bacteria or infections. It…